Let’s get it on…
(Marvin Gaye)
- Your friends (I never took you for a ZZ Top/Mozart/Salif Keita aficionado!)
- In your local community (are you going to the Porch Fest next weekend?)
- Your local library (but keep it quiet)
- Your sports club (be loud and proud)
- Your workplace (who knew the boss was into Krautrock!)
- Open house (what could possibly go wrong!)
- Themed MusicClub – structured around fans of a genre or instrument or artist
Where, when?
- Meetings can be virtual, or a venue, or a home
- Monthly, bi-monthly interval as suits
- Organise outings to concerts, shows etc
- Organise private MusicClub talks, performances etc
- Create a gmail account with yourclubnamemusicclub@gmail.com
- Members provide a gmail address
- Use MusicClub TEMPLATES for Listening Lists, Scoring Guides, Top Recommender, MusoPedia, Membership list etc
- Initially you are the CONVENER. That can rotate when things get established, but like any group, band, or orchestra, someone leads….it can be direct or discreet
Once you get started...
(Rufus w/Chaka Khan)
- Manage membership lists
- Set up meetings
- Organise outings
- Comment on and rate recommendations
We use Google Suite – Calender, Gmail and Slides
Over time your Listening Lists will build into a collection of great music!
Contact us to get your MusicClub started
Tell us a little about your plans for your MusicClub and we’ll get back to you.